Category Archives: Culture

Look at all that Traffic! Where’s Everybody Going??

In recent months I’ve developed an internal debate about what it is I’m looking for on social media sites.

Each morning, shortly after getting out of bed, I open the Facebook app on my phone. It’s gradually become part of my wake-up routine and yes, that means I’m reading about my friends’ family dramas and favorite brownie recipe as I sit on the porcelain throne.

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Dear Gymnastics—ER—Dance Instructor

Dear gymnastics/dance instructor,

I am writing you an extra-long letter to pay you back for the three hours you stole from me last evening. 20151030_153732

I want you to know it is an hour’s drive round-trip from my house to your Big Performance auditorium.  That’s four hours total when you add the drive time to your three hour recital. This figure doesn’t even include the dress-rehearsal earlier in the day so add another hour for my daughter. We’re talking about a five hour event to watch our little gymnast on stage for less than three minutes—not counting the fifteen minute awards program where she received a mini-chocolate bar. If you could just let this sink in for three hours I’m sure you’d see why I’m a little pissed off.  Continue reading

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